Student Council
The Student Council is a student leadership organization that hosts school-related events and engages in projects around the school and the community to raise awareness. We give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. We enhance student voices at Woodrow Wilson High School by advocating for student equity, interests, and concerns to the school administration. Students that are a part of Student Council are responsible, diligent, fun-loving high school students dedicated to improving the WWHS student body experience, building student leadership, outreach, and aid of our community.
Student Council Qualifications
Maintain a 75 or above average in all classes for the previous two semesters
Maintain at least 90% attendance school rate for the previous two semesters
Have no record of office referrals, out-of-school suspension, or alternative campus placement for the previous two semesters
Obtain signatures from all seven classroom teachers recommending the student for Student Council officer
What We Do
General School Spirit & Support:
Organizing pep rallies, food drives, powder puff, spirit weeks, and various community service opportunities.
Organizing and working with PTA on decorations, the dance, outreach, and spirit.
Student Council Officer Positions:
President, Vice President, Pep-Rep, Secretary, Historian, and Grade Level Representatives.
President Responsibilities:
The President presides over Student Council and Execute Committee meetings, appoints vacant unopposed officer positions, prepares meeting agendas, votes in tie situations, calls special meetings as advised, serves as a liaison between standing and executive committees, represents the student body at various events, and fulfills other necessary duties.
Vice President Responsibilities:
The Vice President serves as the president in their absence, assumes the presidency if vacant, coordinates committee work, serves as a liaison between standing and executive committees, and assumes other necessary duties.
Secretary Responsibilities:
The Secretary keeps minutes of Student Council and Executive Committee meetings, maintains order and time during general meetings, reports meeting minutes for approval, records attendance, maintains a member directory, serves as a liaison between standing and executive committees, and assumes other necessary duties.
Historian Responsibilities:
The Historian manages social media posts, maintains a file of photos from the year, ensures pictures are taken of all activities, sends videos/infographics for school announcements, and records students for announcements.
Spirit/Pep Rep Officer Responsibilities:
The Spirit/Pep Rep Officer coordinates and executes pep rallies, represents Student Council at the Homecoming Pep Rally, serves as an emcee or appoints one for events, serves as a liaison between standing and executive committees, coordinates with staff, administration, and the student body, and assumes other necessary duties.
Council Member Responsibilities:
Council members inform members of upcoming events, gather feedback, organize publicity, keep the student body informed through various means, serve as liaisons between standing and executive committees, and assume other necessary duties.
If you have any questions, reach out to the Student Council sponsor, Mrs. Karavatakis in Room 1207 or by email at
Upcoming Events*
Click on events below to view details:
Red = Main Calendar
Green = Athletics
Blue = Visual & Performing Arts
Purple = Academic/Testing
Orange = Clubs/Extracurricular
Pink = Seniors
- Thursday, February 6
- Friday, February 7
- Tuesday, February 11
- Friday, February 14
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